I was doing a bit of blog hopping and kayak surfing on the net tonight (as you do!) and after reading all about that amazing horse rescue (you gotta read & view the FP's video!) noticed a new banner on the Fat Paddler's blog. It interested me as I had only just had a look at that particular website a few days ago, adding the same link to this blog - Kayak for Kids. It was still detailing the 2010 event when I looked. They have now posted the details for the 2011 event next March.
So what is this event? Lifestart Kayak for Kids is an inspirational paddling challenge on Sydney Harbour. They do say 'Never paddled? Don't own a kayak? Not a problem ...we got you covered.' (And the first 500 to register get a free K4K sunhat!)

I had initially thought this was just an event for kids to participate (as my daughter received details of the 2010 event via Girl Guides Australia earlier in the year.) But it is for everyone, particularly including families and children as it raises funds for very special kids aged from birth to school age who have an intellectual disability or development delay. Lifestart provides early childhood intervention services to ensure these kids have the best possible start in life.
For more information about Lifestart visit http://www.lifestart.org.au/ It's a fantastic cause and also looks like an awesome event to take part in.
So - I have decided to sign up and I shall be there in March. Hopefully I can get in some proper fitness training down in Middle Harbour on a regular basis soon, so I don't embarrass myself. I'll take my own Kayak, and will be registering a tandem (the Tequila!) in the hope that we will have got a Tequila by then, and will partner with a friend or maybe my daughter.
If you want to know a bit more about it from the paddlers point of view, read the Fat Paddlers report on his team FP entry last march on his blog. It's a great read and there are awesome aerial photos of the event, and cool harbour shots that will make you wonna be there in 2011!
If you were there for the 2010 Kids for Kayak event, do please tell me about it, what tips you have for us novices and if you have any photos - and let me know if you'll be entering for 2011. I'll post as many stories, tips and photos as I can on this blog.
And if you'd like to sponsor me - please send me an email and I'll send you a link to the official fundraiser site, once I have registered and got all that sorted.
Many Thanks!
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