The Fat Paddler's (Sean Smith) first book is now published and will be available in bookstores & online from this coming Monday - it's called, funnily enough, The Fat Paddler!
A signed copy is on my wishlist for my birthday, next week!
I haven't been out paddling since the new year (just too busy - this blog is still waiting for a heap of photos to be added from last summer's paddling adventures out on various Sydney's waters as we tried out the Tequila, I will 'get a round tuit' - and now it's cold - though I did buy a pair of those fancy Lycra style wetsuit type pants & boots from Anaconda recently in an effort to motivate myself!) so reading his blog - and book, is the closest I'll get to the water apart from driving past Lane Cove River every day - but maybe it will be just what I need to get me to dig out my yak from under the tarp and empty a can of anti spider chemical in all those holes and grooves (having moved to a smaller house, the kayaks have to stay outside now - and no doubt there will be a few red backs and even funnel webs moved in - no wonder I haven't been out paddling!)
Back to the book - it's not just about Kayaking - it's an inspirational story of how one man beats terrible injury, depression and the threat of heart disease, the joy of the outdoor life and great Aussie team spirit - and I have no doubt it's going to be hilarious in parts too! Read more here.
Forgetting spider horrors, I still shudder every time I read about his night-time and dawn escapades on the water on the fat paddler blog - don't you know about shark feeding habits, Sean?
I know I am in for a very good read when I get hold of copy of his book - a review I just read gave it 4.5 out of 5 sausages!
So, my congratulations to Sean and best wishes for a sellout!